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Top 2 Winter 2024 Babywear Color Palettes: Formal vs Fun


White Swan, a soft and downy white

Raw Umber, a grounded earthy brown

Dark Gull Gray, A dense and solid gray

Baritone Blue, A deep navy hue with a rich and dark hue

Buckthorn Brown, A sturdy golden brown with a warm and resilient charm



Tomato Cream, a nourishing toasty hue that warms the soul

Scarlet Smile, A glam and decadent red

Golden Palm, A warm and earthy green hue with a hint of golden sunlight

Aventurine, A mineral-based tone imbued with hidden emerald rich tones

Red Orange, An energetic and empowering tone, reminiscent of a blazing sunset

Fern, A leafy and natural green

Italian Plum, Deep and dark, the velvety richness of ripe plums under a starry sky

Moonstruck, A shadowy grey hue that hides behind the clouds on a misty night

Winter Sky, Cooling and calming, an icy and tranquil tone

Lucent White, An optically brightened white, untouched and luminous snow

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